Friday, August 31, 2007

A few thoughts at the end....

Well, we are asked to make a few comments at the end of all of these discovery exercises. So here goes.

I learned a lot, all-in-all. Some of the exercised were fun and interesting and there were several "I didn't know you could do that!" moments. I enjoyed exploring flickr type sites and podcast-but these I am already familiar with which made it easier to navigate through to new aspects. The one "new" one for me is and I use it ALL THE TIME, for all kinds of things.

Many of the exercises asked to think about how these new technologies would be/could be useful for library users. Well, as I said before, I don't think about libraries much and here in preservation we don't really deal with many or most of these technologies, so it is hard to speak to that.

I would probably do this type of thing again, as I really enjoyed being able to learn and play a bit with them. All in all it's been a good experience.

And I am done!

22 Social Networking

well, a short while back (several months ago maybe) a friend of mine sent me some images that he posted on myspace and I joined it in order to view them. I really have not done a whole lot with it since then. I think I am a generation or two removed from this type of social networking, as most people I know are not involved with these types of sites.
A fellow colleague here at the library sent me an invite to Linkedin and I joined that, but haven't had the time to really explore. I think that type of site might be more useful to me and those I know.

As for Myspace or Friendster or Facebook--it really is the thing right now and there are many uses of the sites for education purposes as well as for social purposes. Honestly , I don't spend much of my time thinking how this can be related to libraries because I don't think about libraries much.

Friday, August 17, 2007


I like them--I like them very much! I have I-tunes and enjoy browsing through the different types of podcasts available. I recently discovered a site called LibriVox where you can podcast books that are in the public domain. Very cool! I just listed to E.F. Foresters "A Room with a View" and am going to start another soon.

You tube

Well I search around on YouTube for a while and did not really find anything worth adding to my site. While I find this interesting and all, there is a bit of " I am wasting my time with this" going on

Friday, August 10, 2007

web 2.0

Looked at the short list of winners and recognized one of the music ones mentioned by one of our past student workers

I really like this site--you enter the type of music you like and the site helps you find other artist similar to it. Good way to find new music.

How related to library--don't know really.

#18 and #19

Web-based apps--seems like they could be very useful. Checked out Thinkfree from Google Docs and Spreadsheets and also browsed around Zoho a bit. Think they would be great for collaboration and to get away from individual computer based applications.

Added to OULibrariesLearn WIKI

okay, think I finally go that right.